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Our Source

Our water begins its journey from 2,628m in altitude, as virgin snow covers the Eastern side of Mount Sannine, Lebanon. As warmer weather unfolds, the snow melts and penetrates the layers of the mountain, collecting natural minerals in capacities only unique to this particular geological area.

The spring dates back to the Cenomanian age. It is a natural formation where the water naturally carved its way 100 million years ago. With a natural constant temperature range between 7 and 9 degrees celsius throughout the year, and a considerable depth into the mountain, this cave houses and protects eauYES water until it flows via gravity to the
bottling facility, where it is bottled live, untouched, and never artificially stored by the time it fills every can.
The land where the source is found is privately owned and fully protected. It spans 12 square kilometers and is
home to a Cedar tree forest that counts more than 30,000 trees, and excludes any human activity through out its surface.

Mineral Composition (mg/L):
Calcium 33           Magnesium 16
Sodium 2.3           Potassium 0.3
Iron <0.01             Bicarbonates 150
Sulphates 12        Carbonates <1
Nitrates 1.5           Chlorides 7
Fluorides 0.10       pH at source 7.4